"Just wanted to say, how amazing my new eyelashes are!! im soo happy with them! thank you so much for your effort and time!!"
thanks soo much babe!
"thanku for doing them i love them yaayyyy. xx"
"=D yay im so happy with them thanks"

About Me

- Angelica
- Angelica's Beauty Studio specialises in lash extensions, brow sculpting, relaxation massage and other beauty treatments in a holistic way. Training at the Aveda Institute of Melbourne and is a professional Eye Lash Stylist representing Lash Out Lashes! This blog also has a discussion board, gallery of some of my work, educational videos, and many other useful links for clients to refer too. Feel free to add and comment to help each other along.
Opening Times
Discussion Board
- How long will Eyelash Extensions lasts?
- How is the Eyelash Extension procedure done?
- What are the benefits of Eyelash Extensions?
- Can I still wear eye makeup on my eyes?
- When do I need to come back for Lash Refills?
- Will Eyelash Extension prevent me from my normal activities?
- How do I care for my Eyelash Extensions?
- How do I removed my Eyelash Extensions?
- What is a Glue Allergy?
- What to consider when making and arriving to your appointment?
- Why do your eyelashes fall out?
- What is Blepharitis?
- What is Conjunctivitis?